TWINSET Digital Store is currently available in the countries/regions listed below.Please be advised that changing your location while shopping will remove all items from your shopping bag
In which language do you wish to browse the TWINSET Digital Store?
You're visiting the website from United States
Give us your e-mail address: we will get in touch as soon as the TWINSET Digital Store will be available in this country.
If an item does not satisfy you, you can return it for free within 14 days from the date it was delivered to you. Keep the pre-paid label that you found inside the parcel: you'll need it in the eventuality you wish to request a return.
Please note, the right of withdrawal can only be exercised by the customer and not by the recipient of a gift.
If you're a registered customer, you can ask to return an item directly from the "My order" page, in your Account. Click on "Request a return", indicating what item you wish to return, the quantity and the reason. Then, click on "Proceed".
If you've completed your purchase as a Guest, you can place a return request directly from the ''Check my order" section by clicking on "Request a return", indicating what item you wish to return, the quantity and the reason. Then, click on "Proceed".
To book the free collection to the courier, you will need the UPS label that we sent you with the order, inside the package you received. If you cannot find the prepaid label anymore for shipping the return, please contact our Customer Care team at to request a new label.
When the courier collects the package, give him 3 copies of the proforma invoice.
Here’s a mini step-by-step guide:
Remember, if you do not use the prepaid return label contained in the order you received (or a copy given to you by Customer Care) TWINSET cannot be responsible for any theft or loss.
If you prefer, you can deliver the return in an authorized shipment centre. To find the dispatch centre closest to you, please go to the UPS website and go to the "Locations" section. Also in this case you will have to apply the prepaid label above the original label.
The item(s) you return are examined by our staff as soon as possible, once verified and the return meets all the requirements, you will receive a notification by e-mail.
For more information on refunds please refer to our General Conditions of Sale.
Potential delivery costs you've incurred when purchasing the item won't be refunded.
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